Glastonbury permitted to hold two-day event in September
23 May 2021, 17:00
According to reports, Mendip District Council has agreed that a two day concert at Worthy Farm can go ahead for up to 50,000 people.
A two day event can go ahead at Glastonbury Festival this September.
Earlier this year Emily Eavis revealed that festival organisers had put in an application in for a licence for a concert at the farm to take place and now it appears to have been granted.
As reported by Somerset Live, Mendip Council have approved the application, but applied more than 50 conditions to the event.
It comes after concerns from local residents were aired to the council over the proposed plans.
The council states that all performances must take place on the Pyramid Stage and no more than 49,999 people at the event in total, including performers, crews, staff and attendees.
READ MORE: Glastonbury to open campsite on Worthy farm to the public for Summer 2021
Councillor Sam Phripp, chair of licensing at the council, said: "Whenever a licence application is considered, Mendip rightly assesses the impact of an event on local people and seeks to find a decent balance.
"With regard to Glastonbury Festival Events Limited holding a concert in September, we've heard concerns from residents, and those concerns are reflected in more than fifty conditions that have been added to this licence. We believe they're sensible measures, and match the perceived risk of the event.
"With a view to COVID-19, of course, any event would have to be COVID-safe, and Mendip will work with other organisations and the organisers to make sure that's the case."It's in everybody's interest for events like these to be a success, but as chair of licensing at Mendip, I'm clear that we'll keep our ears and eyes open and take on board feedback from residents in Pilton, just as we would with any other event."
Despite this latest update, it is not currently unknown what plans the organisers have for the site in September, if any.
However, this weekend will see the festival hold its global streaming event, Live At Worthy Farm.
Explaining what to expect on the night, Emily Eavis said: "We are going to take you on a journey through all of those spots that you know from Worthy Farm – the woods, the railway line, the stone circle, the pyramid, and it’s going to build into this epic journey around the site into the night."
READ MORE: Coldplay, Haim and Damon Albarn for Glastonbury's Live At Worthy Farm

Pippa's Glastonbury audio-diary is amazing!