Glastonbury 2025 ticket sale guide: tips, tricks & how to buy tickets
16 November 2024, 20:00
As Glastonbury 2025 tickets go on sale this week, Radio X provides you with some of the latest information, plus the tricks and tips you need to know for the best chance of buying tickets.
Every year, thousands of music-lovers whip themselves into a frenzy in an attempt to purchase tickets to the greatest music event in the world: Glastonbury
Yes, the Somerset festival will be back next year, taking place between Wednesday 25th - Sunday 29th June 2025 and its first ticket sales for coach and general admission tickets take place on Thursday 14th November and Sunday 17th November respectively.
The Autumn ticket sale provides fans with the first (and arguably the best) chance of buying tickets to Glastonbury, but it's always been fraught with pitfalls that can make even the calmest of people lose their rag.
Buying tickets is a HUGE undertaking, which fills even the most seasoned veterans of the Somerset festival with dread- especially because they always seem to be gone in a matter of minutes!
However, organisers have announced some very important changes this year, which could ensure hopefuls have more of an even playing field when it comes to buying coveted tickets.
Because we feel everyone should get the chance to sample the madness at Worthy Farm, we’ve put together a list of tips to help you nab yourself some tickets to the biggest party on earth!
Let's start with the basics:
When can you buy Glastonbury tickets in 2025?
- Thursday 14th November at 6pm GMT for coach + ticket packages
- Sunday 17th November at 9am GMT for standard tickets.
How hard is it to get Glastonbury tickets for 2025?
Getting a Glasto ticket is very difficult, with an estimated 2.5 million people trying for just over 200,000 tickets each year. According to AceOdds, the probability of securing a Glastonbury ticket is around 8.4% for the Autumn sales and just 0.4% for the resale.
Get our top tips and tricks for getting a Glastonbury 2024 ticket here:
Make sure you've registered!
Nobody can buy a ticket without having a unique registration number, which comes with your photo ID, so if you haven't registered already, register HERE. If you're reading this on the day of the ticket sale and registration is closed, we're afraid you've already fallen at the first hurdle and you won't be able to buy tickets for this year's festival in the Autumn sale. However, registration generally will re-open before the April resales so you will get another chance then.
Register for Glastonbury Festival at
OR look up or edit your registration details at
Know your dates (and times)
This sounds like a fairly simple concept, but you'd be surprised how many people fall at this hurdle. Fans have the chance to buy tickets to Glastonbury four times a year.
First - there's a coach and general ticket sale in Autumn the year before the festival itself. Then you can try your luck in the Spring resales.These are the dates and times you NEED to know for now:
- Thursday 14th November at 6pm GMT for coach + ticket packages
- Sunday 17th November at 9am GMT for standard tickets.
Read the festival's latest updates and FAQs
This comes under preparation... but so many people don't seem to even read the guides the festival have written themselves on the sale. This year in particular it's more important than ever, to read the ways in which the ticket sales have changed, as it has a major affect on one of our biggest tips for buying tickets!
Make a plan and discuss all possible outcomes ahead of the sale
Sure, there are more important things in the world. But in those 30 to 45 minutes before the words “Tickets Unavailable” start appearing, you should act as if it’s the last hour before your dissertation is due or as if you're a few minutes away from walking into the interview for your dream job.
Talk to your friends, acquaintances or even work colleagues ahead of the ticket sale, build up a team of serious Glastonbury hopefuls and discuss your goals.
For example, if you are trying for coach tickets (as you should be trying in all the ticket sales to maximise your chances anyway), talk about what times, dates and locations you are happy to go for and decide in advance if you are happy to go for all or any of the coaches in the next nearby town. This is NOT a conversation you want to be having when as the options pop up on the page as you could be losing precious seconds.
Form syndicates!!
In all our years of Glastonbury ticket sales, we've found that forming syndicates or network of friends who are are also trying to get tickets is proven to be one of the biggest keys to success. It's a mutually beneficial system IF everyone sticks to the plan.
You should be able to enter up to six registration details (including your own) when you try for Glasto tickets. (Though in recent years this has tended to reduce down to four general admission tickets and two coach tickets when it comes to the resale.)That means you can have a solid block of trusted people all trying at the same time. All they need is your registration number and postcode.
They don’t even need to be people you plan on camping with. Everyone on earth has a colleague who’s said “Ha, yeah man I’m totally going to try and get Glasto tickets this year! I hear Taylor Swift's going to headline!” Now... you may not particularly want to hang out with this person, but you can use them to your advantage.
Also don't be afraid to have backups or reserves beyond your core six and do ask to be on other people's reserves list. During the frantic ticket sale there's always a chance someone's brother or sister got through but had an extra two or three slots free. This is how many people often end up going to the festival without ever having even made it through to the page themselves.
Create a document or spreadsheet
Create a doc or spreadsheet with people you have shared information with.
Have all your names, postcodes and registration numbers stored and get VERY familiar with it.
Don't be drunk or hungover!
As with most years, general admission tickets go on sale on a Sunday morning. That means there’s a good chance you were out the night before.
Get to bed early, then get up early – fresh as a daisy. Just think about all the time you’ll have at Glasto to be hungover... IF you get tickets.
And if you go for coach tickets, don't go for a swift half in the pub first. It might be tempting to have a bit of a drink to build camaraderie and Dutch courage, but trust us: You need 100% focus and attention for this.
Have access to the strongest wifi collection possible
No matter how great you think your home fibre optic connection is, it’s probably not as good as what you can get at work (if the office is empty) or a special gaming cafe. Look into your personal internet speed and if it's not up to mustard ahead of time, think of somewhere that will be.
Get on the See Tickets page ahead of time
Instead of mucking about trying to just get onto the site at 6pm or 9am, make sure you're logged on to at least 15 mins before the sale, but actually we'd probably recommend being online a bit earlier.
If allegorical tales from the Oasis reunion ticket sales are anything to go by, those who loaded up the Ticketmaster page hours in advance seem to have the most success.
Keep in touch
Set up a Whatsapp group or similar to communicate during the sale. This is not for the purpose have an endless stream of conversation and bants, but so people can communicate as soon as they get onto the registration page and are entering details.
The last thing you need are two people entering the same registration numbers at the same time. Plus, once someone has managed to buy the first batch of tickets, in the past they have been much more likely to be able to buy more. It's at this time when you want to be in contact with the person who's managed to buy their first batch of tickets.
In previous years, everyone would have been refreshing like their lives depended on it in order to get the to the Glastonbury landing page, but this year a MAJOR change means you have to log on to the See Tickets website and keep your hands to yourself.
Glastonbury organisers explain: "The booking process itself for 2025 will be the same as in previous years, however the way in which you join the booking process is changing."
Glastonbury have introduced a new queuing system for their ticket sales. Picture: They add: "Rather than refreshing the holding page to attempt to access the booking page, this year, when the ticket sale begins (at 6pm or 9am respectively) everyone who is already on the page will randomly be assigned a place in a queue to access the booking process."
Glastonbury have introduced a new queuing system for their ticket sales. Picture: Not only does the info spell the end of the refresh, but it also looks like tabs and devices could now kick you out of your spot in the queue.
"Anyone who logs on once the sale has started will automatically be added to the back of the queue, so it’s important to make sure you are online ready at least a few minutes before the sale opens. Once you are in the queue, a progress bar will indicate how close you are to reaching the booking page.
"Please do not refresh this page or use multiple devices or tabs or you may lose your place in the queue."
Copy and paste in details DO NOT type them
Once you’ve got your elite crew of razor sharp buddies together, make sure you prepare yourselves. And this means no typos so: EXCHANGE DETAILS PROPERLY!
To buy tickets, all you need is everyone's Glastonbury registration number and postcode.
Make sure you copy and paste them in correctly with the correct formatting. DO NOT rely on handwritten notes or typed text messages, which are all susceptible to human error.
The last thing you want is to get through and fill in your details only to see: "Sorry, that reference number is not registered."
DO NOT have multiple tabs OR minimise the tab you are on
Multiple tabs when trying for a Glasto ticket has never been the best idea, but this year Glastonbury has gone to great lengths to spell out just why it would be disastrous.
If you're using multiple devices, make sure they have different IP addresses AND you're only using ONE browser and ONE tab on each device.
This year, the festival have clearly stated that while entering all your details and checking them over, do not minimise the tab you are working on as your session may expire. So basically, as mad as it sounds, it's best just to have that one window open and stare at it until you see the page change.
Triple check your card details and act FAST
If you're lucky enough to make it through, you automatically become the lead booker and therefore you'll need to have your card details at hand. You will also be on a timer!
If you are buying tickets in the Autumn sale, you will now need £75 for each successful ticket deposit that you book.
Make sure you enter these details EXACTLY as you see them because if you don't you could fall foul of being frozen out of the system.
And don't be that person rifling through their wallet when the time comes. Have your card or its details right by you and ready!
In past years, a wrong letter or number has meant everyone's registration details could be frozen for UP TO 10 MINUTES.
Do not take your eyes away from your screen
This year, with the new 'no refresh' rule, and a progress bar that may be fairly random, it's even more important that you don't go on any breaks or nip to the loo as you may make it onto the registration page without realising and lose out on precious time to input your information.
Yes, it seems boring and yes it seems thankless. But having absolute focus for an hour or so could be the difference between you and the next person.
Have enough money in your account… Obviously
Don’t worry, we’re not criticising your intelligence or capabilities with managing your finances. But in this age where we all have eight different accounts and credit cards, sometimes it’s easy to lose track. Be prepared to have whatever funds you need ready for all the people you're buying for. It's not likely the money will be taken straight away. But leave no room for error!
Glastonbury 2024 will cost £373.50 + £5 booking fee, of which a £75 deposit (plus coach fare if booking a Ticket + Coach travel option) is payable when booking in November, with the balance payable in the first week of April 2025.
Check Your Email
Once you've made the booking, be sure to check your email in the hours after you have made the purchase. And be sure to check your junk folders.
If you haven't received an email within three hours, ticket holders are urged to contact the team at See Tickets via their Customer Service Portal.
Don't Give Up (even when they tell you to)
There have been cases where would-be festival punters have had the "all tickets have been allocated" message on their browser, only to refresh and find they were allowed into the system again.
According to our sources, is due to tickets dropping out of other people's baskets at the last minute.
So remain focused. Keep calm and carry on and DO NOT STOP until you see that final message from the festival themselves... and in some cases... maybe a little while after.
Look, Glastonbury does sell out quickly. It’s true, but have faith, learn the system and don't give up!