On Air Now
The Radio X Indie Night with Rich Wolfenden 7pm - 11pm
15 February 2017, 06:00 | Updated: 9 August 2017, 10:14
So, if you've been in a situation recently where you've loved and lost, Radio X would like to guide you through the five steps of becoming single… and enjoying it.
The moment when you feel you can't go on and the world is collapsing around your head. Mike Skinner feels your pain. But don't worry: things will be better than this.
Straighten up, now. This is the time when you need to gloss over it and pretend that everything is ok. Even if it's not. If you're a chap, you need to make a big thing of it. Hence this song. If you're a girl, well, you can identify with this one.
Right. There's closure. It's been great, but... Time to move on. And give the finger to your ex. YES.
Ahhhh. The sweet, sweet feeling of freedom. You can do what you want, any old time.
OH HELLO. Are you ready for the weekend? Hold my coat, I'll see you later! You're back on the market!