20 songs that give the album its title
10 November 2024, 09:00
You know when they say the title of the movie in the movie? It’s like that, but with albums.
What are we talking about? Well, it's when a lyric from a song throws up the phrase or word that gives its parent album its title. Here’s Peter Griffin from Family Guy to explain this X-List.

Family Guy - say the title of a movie in the movie
The Streets - Has It Come To This?
“Original pirate material / You’re listening to The Streets / Lock down your aerial / Make yourself at home.”
The Streets - Has It Come to This? (Official Video)
Pink Floyd - Brain Damage
“And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes / I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.”
Pink Floyd - Brain Damage
Arctic Monkeys - D Is For Dangerous
"I think you should know you're his favourite worst nightmare.”
Arctic Monkeys - D Is For Dangerous
Elbow - Grounds For Divorce
“Mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid.”
Elbow - Grounds For Divorce
Interpol - NYC
“It's up to me now, turn on the bright lights.”
Interpol - NYC
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
“I found it hard, it's hard to find / Oh well, whatever, never mind.”
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
The Cure - Close To Me
“But if I had your faith / Then I could make it safe and clean / Oh, if only I was sure / That my head on the door was a dream.”
The Cure - Close To Me
Blur - For Tomorrow
"Turns it off and makes some tea / Says modern life, well, it's rubbish.”
Blur - For Tomorrow
Muse - Starlight
“Our hopes and expectations / Black holes and revelations.”
Muse - Starlight [Official Music Video]
Radiohead - 2+2=5
"I swat 'em like flies / But like flies, the buggers keep coming back / Not, but I'm not / All hail to the thief"
2 + 2 = 5
Billie Eilish - Bury A Friend
"Why aren't you scared of me? / Why do you care for me? / When we all fall asleep, where do we go?"
Billie Eilish - bury a friend
Pixies - Mr Grieves
“Pray for a man in the middle / One that talks like Doolittle”
Pixies.- Mr. Grieves (Live 1989)
Editors - Camera
"If we hide, they look in the back room.”
Editors - Camera
Alanis Morissette - You Learn
"Swallow it down / What a jagged little pill / It feels so good / Swimming in your stomach / Wait until the dust settles."
Alanis Morissette - You Learn (Official 4K Music Video)
The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize
"The time has come to... PUSH THE BUTTON"
The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize (Official Music Video)
Vampire Weekend - Hold You Now
"Crying in those rumpled sheets like someone's 'bout to die / You just watch your mouth when talking 'bout the father of the bride."
Vampire Weekend - Hold You Now (Official Audio) ft. Danielle Haim
U2 - Walk On
"And love is not the easy thing / The only baggage you can bring / Is all that you can't leave behind"
U2 - Walk On (Official Music Video)
Guns N'Roses - Locomotive (Complicity)
"You can use your illusion / Let it take you where it may / We live and learn / And then sometimes it's best to walk away."
Locomotive (Complicity)
Maximo Park - Once, A Glimpse
"Slipping under sliding down / All I need is a certain trigger / The path you take will never make you happy / All I need is a certain spur"
Maxïmo Park - Once, A Glimpse
De La Soul - The Magic Number
"How high's the water, mama? Three feet high and risin'" - a sample of Johnny Cash, no less.
Five feet high and rising - Johnny Cash