WATCH: Ewan McGregor covers Muse - and it's really good!

1 November 2020, 10:00

Ewan McGregor - Endlessly (Muse Cover)

The Trainspotting star has shared an acoustic version of the classic tune Endlessly.

Here's something you don't see every day - a Hollywood actor covering one of Britain's greatest rock bands on acoustic guitar.

Trainspotting and Star Wars star Ewan McGregor went back on the road for Long Way Up, an Apple TV series that follows up his adventures with Charley Boorman in the shows Long Way Round and Long Way Down.

In episode six of Long Way Up, McGregor and Boorman arrive in Bolivia, and Ewan took time out to play an acoustic cover of Endlessly by Muse.

Endlessly was originally released on the 2003 album Absolution - and you can hear Ewan's acoustic take on the song right here.

Here's the original for you to compare and contrast:



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