Coldplay Probably Made More Cash In One Hour Than You Did In One Month...

28 September 2018, 12:17 | Updated: 28 September 2018, 12:27

See the staggering amount of money earned by the band from live shows, royalties and official merchandise in 2017.

It has been revealed how much money Coldplay made in 2017, and as you've probably guessed the amount is staggering.

According to The Mirror, accounts for the band’s Flock of Birds touring company reported a turnover of £63,667,007 and a profit of £38.4million for 2017.

Coldplay. Picture: Press

That incredible turnover is said to be made up of £59.1 million in performances fees and promotional support and £4.5 million in merchandise and royalty income.

While the band's live shows and merchandise are thought to have brought in a whopping £174,000 A DAY for the band last year, what they would have earned each hour is over the average yearly salary.

As the outlet reports, the Fix You rockers would have earned £1,812.50 an hour if that amount was spread over 24 hours of each day in 2017.

No wonder Chris is always smiling!

Watch them perform in our video above.

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